National Level Open Hardware-IoT Geospatial Hackathon

Week 1: Kickoff and Orientation [January 01 to 07, 2024]

Working Day 1: Registration and Welcome Ceremony

Working Day 2: Opening Keynote and Theme Announcement

Working Day 3: Workshop 1 - Introduction to Open Hardware and IoT

Working Day 4: Workshop 2 - Geospatial Technology Fundamentals

Working Day 5: Team Formation and Ideation Session

Working Day 6-7: Self-Study and Project Brainstorming

Week 2: Deep Dive into IoT and GIS [January 08 to 14, 2024]

Working Day 8: Workshop 3 - IoT Sensors and Data Collection

Working Day 9: Workshop 4 - Advanced GIS Applications

Working Day 10: Hacking Session Begins

Working Day 11-14: Guided Hacking, Team Check-Ins, and Progress Reports

Week 3: Prototyping and Development [January 15 to 21, 2024]

Working Day 15: Workshop 5 - Data Visualization with GIS

Working Day 16: Workshop 6 - Open Source Hardware Prototyping

Working Day 17-21: Dedicated Hacking and Prototype Development

Week 4: Final Touches and Presentations [January 22 to February 04, 2024]

Working Day 22: Workshop 7 - IoT Data Analysis

Working Day 23-25: Final Project Development and Testing

Working Day 26: Project Submissions

Working Day 27-28: Team Rehearsals and Presentation Prep

Week 5: Grand Finale and Awards

Working Day 29: Presentations by Hackathon Teams

February 12, 2023 (tentative): Judging and Results Declaration

Date to be announced: Awards Ceremony and Celebration